Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Corporation
The Ontario Oil Gas and Salt Resources Corporation (Corporation) is an entity established by the Ontario Petroleum Institute. The Corporation is the “Original Trustee” to a Trust Agreement signed with the Government of Ontario on February 16, 1998 to form the Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Trust to operate the Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Library.
The Executive Officers of the OPI are the officers of the Corporation:
Frank Kuri, President
Dale Holland, First Vice-President
Jim McIntosh, Second Vice-President
Jack Norman, Treasurer
Charlie Fairbank, Secretary
Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Trust – Trust Agreement
2016 Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Trust Advisory Committee
Dale Norman, Elexco Ltd., Chair
Mike Dorland, Consulting Geologist
Terry Carter, Consulting Geologist
Scott Lewis, Clearbeach Resources
Stephen Whan, K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
Shelie Cascadden, Union Gas Limited
Dean Edwardson, Sarnia-Lambton Environmental Association
Lee Fortner, Minstry of Natural Resources and Forestry
2015 OOGSR Trust Financial Statement (2)
2015 OOGSR Library Business Plan